9 Human Archetypes

Who are you?  9 Archetypes to Unfold You

Have you ever stopped to think about why you are the way you are?

The way you communicate, the way you handle conversations and the way you find it hard to express yourself sometimes.

It’s time to stop being too hard on yourself. We tend to label people based on their behaviours, such as shy, bold, kind or unkind, but there is so much more to it.

We understand animals by their types, and each type evokes a certain feeling within us.

For instance, we feel a certain way when we think of a lion.

The same goes for other animals. 

What if I told you there are specific personality types for humans that have nothing to do with religion or race?

In this section, I will list the personality types of humans.

So, where do you fit in? It’s time to explore and discover your true self.

Have you ever considered why you are the way you are?

See, Where do you fit in?


1. The Hero/Heroine: This archetype embodies courage, strength, and the willingness to embark on a journey to become the best version of yourself 


2. The Sage: Wise and knowledgeable, the archetype seeks truth, understanding, and enlightenment. It guides others with its wisdom and insight.


3. The Innocent: Pure-hearted and optimistic, the archetype represents purity, simplicity, and a belief in the inherent goodness of people and the world.


4. The Rebel: The archetype challenges the status quo, defies authority and seeks to break free from constraints and limitations. They inspire change and revolution.


5. The Lover: Passionate and romantic, the lover archetype embodies deep emotions, connection, and intimacy. It seeks harmony, beauty, and fulfilment in relationships and experiences.


6. The Explorer: Adventurous and curious, the Explorer archetype is driven by a thirst for discovery, new experiences, and personal growth. They embrace change and embrace the unknown.

7. The Creator: Innovative and imaginative, the Creator archetype brings new ideas, visions, and possibilities into the world and inspires creativity and innovation.


8. The Caregiver: Nurturing and compassionate, the Caregiver archetype provides support, care, and protection to others. They prioritise the well-being and happiness of those around them.


9. The Jester: Playful and lighthearted, the Jester archetype brings joy, laughter, and humour into people’s lives. They help alleviate tension and remind others not to take life too seriously.

These archetypes are found across various cultures and storytelling traditions, representing fundamental human experience and psyche aspects.

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