Website Personalization

What Is Website Personalization?

Website Personalization

What is Website Personalization?


Marissa Mayer once said, “To me, the future is personalization,”  

Website personalization is the new world order. Gone are the days when all you needed for a good website was a basic design, fresh content and smart use of search engines algorithm and content marketing. It still works but now it is much more than the user-generated content. Especially as we enter the era of Web 3.0 following the great IT revolution of the nerdy 1990s and dazzling 2000s.   

So, no Website Personalization is not about unique content. It is about relevant content for relevant users. And how would you do that?  

By designing a customized web experience tailored for the needs of your website visitors!  

An effective website personalization requires strategies working simultaneously together in the following way: 

Targeting Audiences: Based on real time actions and searches of your targeted audience such as searching for trips to Paris, browsing clothing, watching videos about an ad or a political campaign. You can correlate them with dynamic customer profiles like their past behavior and stated preferences. 

Planning experiences: By collecting user data, whether through your own site or through the third party, design an experience that makes your users feel understood. Because understanding your visitors means you will be able to create custom-made on-site experiences for specific audiences. This means you will have to control the complexity and scale of these personalized experiences.  

Website personalization uses data to translate the personalization into the digital world in the following way: 

  • Using browsing behavior to make targeted offers on products and services  
  • Tourism promotions based on location and local weather history  
  • Specific content news and entertainment media outlets for users  

Continuous improvement: Results matter here! The returns on your Website Personalization investment need to be constantly measured. Because let us face it, not every personalized experience will translate into a good experience. Make sure you keep a tab on how these user experiences are performing and work accordingly. Ultimately, the website is for their consumption, not yours.  

So, in short, what does this customized web experience mean for your business? What’s in it for you? 

A WHOLE LOT! These are the benefits of website personalization:   

  1. Better Converting Calls to Action
  2. Increased Time on Site 
  3. More Relevant Product Recommendation
  4. High Converting Landing Pages 
  5. Improved Customer Loyalty and greater brand affinity 


So, keeping all this in mind, set yourself apart by building a personalized experience for your consumers Website personalization ensures your customers will enjoy their experience on your website and your revenues will grow as well. It’s a win-win. 




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