
PivotSimply's Results

PivotSimply’s Results “Birthing Change: Nurturing Transformation Through the Journey”

The journey of PivotSimply has been akin to the gestation period of an elephant, a slow and steady process of growth and development. Like a nurturing mother elephant, we’ve endeavoured to support healing, creativity, and increase in those we’ve encountered. The Birth of PivotSimply PivotSimply emerged from a desire to contribute positively to the world and to be a catalyst for change and value delivery. We humbly thank everyone who has joined us on this journey and trusted our vision. Witnessing Social Change and Global Impact As we reflect on the social change, we’ve been moved by the stories of transformation and healing that have emerged globally: 1. Mental Health Awareness: Individuals bravely share their struggles and triumphs, signalling a growing awareness of mental health issues and a willingness to break through internal barriers. 2. Empowering Self-Worth: Through our campaigns, millions have found empowerment to embrace their intrinsic value, fostering a wave of self-esteem and confidence. 3. Promoting Family Healing: Recognizing the importance of familial bonds, we’ve endeavoured to support healing individually and within families. 4. Celebrating Cultural Diversity: Embracing the rich tapestry of cultures worldwide, we’ve sought to promote values and integrity that transcend borders, fostering collaboration and growth. 5. Advocating for Gender Equality: We’ve shed light on mothers’ challenges in the workforce and advocated for recognition and opportunities for all. 6. Shaping Media Narratives: Through our efforts, we’ve witnessed a positive shift in media portrayals, contributing to a more inclusive and representative landscape. 7. Empowering Through Podcasting: Our podcast series aims to provide practical solutions to real-life challenges, guided by experts and grounded in our journey. 8. Promoting Authenticity on Social Media: Recognizing the importance of genuine connections, we’ve sought to inspire others to share their authentic selves, fostering trust and community. Lessons Learned: Our journey has been challenging, and we’ve encountered critics and setbacks. However, we’ve remained steadfast in our commitment to integrity and authenticity, guided by the values instilled in us from the family. In the face of adversity, we’ve continued to evolve and grow, offering transformative experiences through our workshops, programs, and free initiatives to empower the next generation. A Call for Integrity: In a world often overshadowed by negativity, it’s essential to acknowledge the hard work of all value-givers and to stand tall in our convictions. We extend our gratitude to our supporters, our families, and all those who have contributed to our journey. Finally, we express our deepest gratitude to the forces that have guided us, recognizing that we are but vessels for positive change in the world. Business Impact: 1. Facilitating Transformative Journeys:Over the past year, we’ve hosted 224+ online business boot camps, healing workshops, and self-empowerment sessions. These events have catalysed personal growth, fostering healing, transformation, and business development. We’re humbled by the opportunity to participate in our participants’ journeys towards positive change. 2. Offering Life-Changing Programs:We’ve developed 55+ paid programs focusing on technical business skills, self-healing, self-transformation, manifestation, and intuitive strength. These programs empower individuals to reinvent their realities and achieve their goals. Alongside these offerings, we’ve also introduced a low-priced membership option, ensuring accessibility to all who seek personal development. 3. Empowering the Next Generation.Our commitment to empowerment extends to the younger generation. Through free boot camps conducted for youth in Tanzania, schools in London, and India, we’ve sought to equip young minds with knowledge and skills to navigate the challenges of tomorrow. The opportunity to invest in the future leaders of our world is a reward beyond measure, reminding us of the importance of giving back to our communities. A Special thanks to family and almighty for the support ! With humility and gratitude, Mithlesh Singh

PivotSimply’s Results “Birthing Change: Nurturing Transformation Through the Journey” Read More »

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8 Steps to Unleashing Your Breakthrough: To Shift Your Current Reality

So , What is a breakthrough and How can you allow yourself to experience in the areas of your career, finances ,relationships and health? So, Let’s simplify this , A breakthrough is a transformative moment when you overcome obstacles and achieve a new level of personal growth or success. It can be a powerful catalyst for positive change in various areas of your life. In more profound ways,You will shift your reality completely  You might think breakthroughs seem to be unreal, but they are within your reach with the right mindset and strategies. In this article, I will help you with taking some practical steps to help you have a breakthrough and unlock your full potential. You have the capacity to turn all your challenges into your breakthrough but you need to be willing enough and smart enough to identify that and show courage. Join our 25 Days Breakthrough program : You get 3 days Free Access 25 Days Breakthrough challenge Embrace a Growth Mindset: This is a big one . Having a growth mindset is crucial for experiencing breakthroughs. Believe that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than avoiding them. By adopting a growth mindset, you open yourself up to new possibilities and are more resilient in the face of setbacks. Set Clear S.M.A.R.T Goals: Define your objectives clearly. Break them down into smaller, achievable steps that lead you closer to your desired outcome. Having well-defined goals helps you stay focused and motivated, guiding your actions towards the breakthrough you seek. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Breakthroughs rarely happen within the confines of your comfort zone. Push yourself to try new things, take calculated risks, and embrace uncertainty. Growth and breakthroughs occur when you stretch beyond what is familiar and challenge yourself to explore uncharted territories.This is tough but the simple gauge is if you feel you are not growing but back of your mind it always runs that there is something bigger for me. The change is upon me ,that’s when you need to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Learn from Failure: Failure is not the end; it is a stepping stone towards success. Embrace failures as valuable learning opportunities. Analyze your mistakes, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your approach accordingly. Use failures as fuel to persist and refine your strategies.In my opinion, failures are more important successes . You learn more when you fail, you become more humble, centered and grounded. Cultivate Resilience: Breakthroughs often require perseverance and resilience. Develop a resilient mindset that allows you to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. Build a support system of friends, mentors, or coaches who can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability along the way.Facing a setback is normal. If you have bigger goals , your setbacks are going to be there but you get out of it , how you turn that around thats important. If you goals dont scare you they are not big enough.You will need this one as this journey is the journey of achivers and it will test your strength and you definitely need resilience for this. Practice Self-Reflection: Allocate time for self-reflection and introspection. Regularly evaluate your progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Identify any self-limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. Engage in practices like journaling, meditation, or seeking feedback to gain clarity and insights into your journey.Its important to be in solitude during this time period to reflect back upon your shadows and inner demons including your fears ,self limiting beliefs  Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Look it is a cycle of growth transitioning from one phase and another and you need to acquire new knowledge and skills to expand your horizon  and to enhance your problem-solving abilities. Commit to lifelong learning by reading books, attending seminars, taking courses, or seeking mentorship. Embrace new ideas and perspectives to broaden your understanding and uncover innovative solutions. Finally Take Action: Breakthroughs require action. Implement your plans, strategies, and newfound knowledge. Break down your goals into actionable steps and consistently work towards them. Be persistent and stay committed, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. 25 Days Breakthrough challenge Join our 25 Days Breakthrough program : You get 3 days Free Access Book your 15 minutes Life Coaching Call Today (Slots Limited) Book Here

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Our Mission

“You are the source of your own creation whether it is the life you are creating, your business or your content. Our Mission is to help you step into your POWER, realise your own SELF-WORTH & ALIGN with yourself to SELF-TRANSFORM your personal and professional life with the least resistance.

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