
Building Your Self Awareness

Building Your Self Awareness

What is Self-Awareness? Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly, without judgment. It includes an understanding of your values, your strengths and weaknesses, your emotions, and your impact on others.  To be truly self-aware, you must be honest with yourself. This means accepting both the good and the bad. It’s easy to focus on our strengths and ignore our weaknesses, but if we want to improve ourselves, we must be willing to face both.  Self-awareness also requires a certain amount of mindfulness. This means being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be helpful to keep a journal or log of your day-to-day experiences to help you become more aware of your patterns and habits.  Why is it important to be self-aware? There are many reasons why self-awareness is important. For one, it leads to personal growth and development. When you know yourself well, you can set goals that are realistic and achievable. You’re also more likely to stick to those goals because you’re motivated by a desire to improve yourself, rather than a desire to impress others.  Self-awareness is also critical for success in relationships. If you’re not aware of your own thoughts, feelings, and needs, it’s difficult to understand and empathize with others. As a result, you may come across as cold or insensitive. Or you may find yourself in unhealthy relationships where you’re constantly giving more than you’re receiving.  In contrast, self-aware people are typically more successful in their relationships. They’re able to communicate effectively and resolve conflict in a healthy way. They also tend to be more supportive and accepting of their partner’s flaws.   How to improve self-awareness There are many things you can do to improve your self-awareness. Here are some ideas:  1) Keep a journal: Writing about your experiences can help you gain insight into your thoughts and feelings. You may also start to notice patterns in your behavior that you’re not aware of otherwise.  2) Take personality tests: These can help you learn more about your strengths, weaknesses, and values. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality test that’s often used in the business world.  3) Seek feedback from others: Ask trusted friends or family members for their honest opinion of you. They might see things that you’re blind to. Just be prepared to receive feedback that’s positive and negative.  4) Practice mindfulness: As mentioned earlier, mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions in the present moment. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as meditation or yoga.  5) Get therapy: If you’re struggling with self-awareness or other mental health issues, therapy can be very beneficial. A therapist can help you understand yourself better and make positive changes in your life.  The benefits of being self-aware There are many benefits that come with being self-aware. To recap, some of the benefits include:  Improved personal growth and development  Greater success in relationships  The ability to set realistic goals  Improved communication skills  healthier coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety  Conclusion: Self-awareness is an important skill that leads to success in many areas of life. If you want to improve your self-awareness, there are many things you can do, such as keeping a journal or taking personality tests. The benefits of being self-aware make it worth the effort! Book your 15 minutes Life Coaching Call Today (Slots Limited) Book Here

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How To Increase Traffic and Get More Sales With eCommerce Conversion Optimization

How To Increase Traffic and Get More Sales With eCommerce Conversion Optimization If you think you’re doing everything right from your perspective but still facing low conversions, then don’t worry. This happens to everyone as it needs patience and some methods to turn things around in your favor. Conversion rate is the number of users/customers who take the desired action on your website. The desired action could be form filling, survey completion or in case of an e-commerce platform, your desired action would certainly be making a purchase. What is eCommerce Conversion Optimization? If the majority of visitors come to your website but don’t take your desired action, it means you’re facing low conversion. E-commerce conversion optimization process is a process that helps to increase the number of users who take your desired action. Let’s learn about how to perform ecommerce conversion optimization. ●     Make your e-commerce store safe for customers If your e-commerce store is not safe for consumers and they identify your website as lacking potential security measures, they won’t complete the checkout process. You can apply this to yourself – if you don’t trust someone, you won’t buy from them. The same goes for your customers, they also find it impossible to buy from a protection-less website. When a customer visits a website, he looks for potential signs to see if your website is secure and safe or not. You need to look for trust-building elements and understand them. It is the first step in increasing your e-commerce conversions. After understanding the trust-building elements, apply them to your e-commerce platform. A professional e-commerce development agency always focuses on creating a safe site. ●     Show customers who’re behind the store Another important ecommerce conversion optimization is showing your customers who are behind the brand. This helps in building trust with your consumers. It helps to improve your store’s credibility and boost your sales. Every website has a dedicated web-page with About Us name. You must create an About Us page and share your story on this page. Let your consumers become familiar with your brand and create a story around your brand and tell them why you started this brand. Apart from the About Us page, it is also important to create a Contact Us page. This page should have your physical address and contact details. This helps the consumer to learn that you’re a legitimate business. You can try to make it better by adding your team’s images, your office’s images, and you can add videos as well if you want. ●     Relevant information should be visible         Your product page should contain all the relevant details so that the customer won’t face any surprise expense at the checkout process. Things like delivery charges, out of stock, not available in your country, and any other information should be clearly mentioned on the product page. When the customer finds out about any hidden charges or delivery charges at the time of checkout, this results in a huge turn off for them and that’s where your conversion rates drop. Relevant information should be visible so that it won’t place a negative impact on the buying decision. ●     Product images should be high-quality and more in number Some e-commerce stores make this mistake of displaying low-quality and only a few images of the product. This goes as a negative message to your consumers and puts them in a state of uncertainty. If you want to get more sales with ecommerce conversion optimization, then pay attention to this particular point. Using high-quality and numerous images of the product are very important. Display the pictures from each angle and the consumers should be able to enlarge the image and zoom-in & zoom-out as well. The image should be high resolution and avoid any editing that alters the originality of the product in the image. An expert e-commerce development agency always focuses on high-quality product images. ●     Write a concise and engaging description Product description can go a long way in positively impacting the buying decision and improving your conversion rate. The product description should be concise, short, and engaging. Try to present the product as the ideal solution to a particular problem that your product is made to solve. The product description is your chance to win the customer. Try to write some specifications and all the features of the product so the customer knows what benefits he’ll get. ●     Use marketing strategies Applying marketing strategies that are explicitly designed to increase conversion rates can help your store as well. Present promotional offers to visitors like offering discounts on regular purchases and discounts on first purchase. Use your email list to market new products and promotions to previous customers. An effective strategy to increase conversions is creating urgency and scarcity. Display messages like few items left, hours left in sale end, and other urgency messages. Final Words When employed properly, ecommerce conversion optimization promotes your sales by improving your store’s visibility and attracting more traffic. We hope these strategies help you optimize your online store and increase traffic and generate more sales.

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How To Conduct An SEO Audit

How To Conduct An SEO Audit Your website is your asset, and it has immense potential to grow in its value. If you want to ensure that it remains in its best health and performs well in search engine rankings, then its regular SEO audit is important. Let’s find out what an SEO audit is and how it’s done. What Is an SEO Audit? An SEO audit is a process of investigating your website to find out how well it relates to best practices. It involves analyzing various components of your website that impact the SEO of your site. SEO audit is the first step involved in creating an SEO strategy. At its core, the purpose of an SEO audit is to find out as many problems in your site affecting its performance in search as possible. A typical SEO audit reveal:     Technical SEO issues     Website architecture issues     On-page SEO issues     Off-page problems     User experience issues     Content gaps     Competitor analysis An SEO audit is essentially your site’s health check that reveals issues affecting its performance. What Is Included In The SEO Audit Process? SEO audit is carried out on websites having trouble ranking on search engines for certain keywords. They might never know the reasons behind failure without having a complete website audit of the site. An overall analysis to assess your website’s strengths and determine an SEO strategy First of all, a complete analysis of your website is performed. It is to find the strengths and weaknesses of your site, which later help in creating an SEO strategy. This is achieved by doing a technical analysis of your site. We strongly believe in starting with technical analysis because a bad basis doesn’t help even if you redo your SEO strategy. You would not build anything on bad terrain without fixing it, would you? Activities we do in technical analysis can be grouped into:     Accessibility     Indexability 1.     Accessibility As the name suggests, accessibility is search engine crawlers’ ability to access your website. It also points to the user’s ability to access your website. If search engine crawlers and users are unable to access your site, producing new content won’t help either. High-quality accessibility doesn’t only improve your online presence but it shapes user experience too. ●      Robot.txt file and robots meta tags Two of the most important things we evaluate are the robot.txt file and robots meta tags. Often, these two are blocking the access of search engines to certain areas of your website. If pages of your website are blocked by webmaster, Google can’t access them. It means the search engine won’t display your website among search results. We have the expertise and skills to check both files comprehensively and rectify issues in them. ●      XML sitemap Another critical component to check is the XML sitemaps of your website. An XML sitemap helps Google crawlers as a map. We ensure that your XML sitemap has a proper structure and is submitted to the webmaster tools account. ●      Website architecture Another crucial factor affecting the accessibility of your site is its architecture. When we conduct an SEO audit of your site, part of our job is to ensure that your site’s architecture is friendly for crawlers. The smaller the number of clicks between the homepage to destination page, the more accessible it will be for crawlers. ●      Redirects If redirects are not properly implemented, it can impact accessibility. When you move content to new pages, create a redirect to ensure crawlers can access the new pages through a redirect. ●      Page speed When it comes to visitor-side accessibility, page speed matters the most. Visitors are looking for quick and reliable information. If your page speed is slow, they will leave your site and find an alternative. In our SEO audit service, we determine whether your site speed is up to the desired standards or not. Even an interactive and attractive interface can’t help much in retaining the visitors if your site speed is poor. ●      Mobile responsiveness Because many people use mobile devices to surf the internet, having a mobile responsive website is very important. In our SEO audit, analyze the responsiveness of your website to ensure you’re delivering the same high-quality user experience across all kinds of devices. 2.     Indexability After doing everything correctly in the first step, it’s time to move towards indexability. In the context of Google as your target search engine, both go hand in hand. Both indexability and accessibility are important to ensure the online presence of your website for the end-user. Accessibility is all about search engine spiders being able to crawl the pages of your site. While indexability points to those pages being available in the search engine. If you have a small website, your website is indexed slowly as opposed to an established website with a lot of content. Identifying both the on-page and off-page factors affecting search positions 1.     On-page factors An impressive site with highly engaging content is just like an untouched diamond. What’s the point in spending thousands of dollars on building a website and producing original content if no one sees it. So why does a website not rank well even when it has a lot to offer? Most of the time, the issue is in the content. The issue could be in the form of insufficient content, missing/incorrect title tags, or duplicate content. It’s important to identify on-page factors that are barriers to high ranking. Finding suitable steps to rectify these issues is part of an SEO audit. When identified and fixed, it creates a significant positive impact on your site’s ranking. 2.     Off-page factors Many off-page factors also affect your organic search ranking on search engines. These factors account for 80% of the ranking algorithms. It emphasizes the importance of doing an absolutely

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